Gospel Broadcasting Network Gains Universal Control of Back-Office Operation with Myers’ ProTrack

Northampton, MA  — Myers, a leading developer of broadcast management software, announced the Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN) has implemented its ProTrack Broadcast Management System. GBN, an American Christian satellite broadcast network, which broadcasts 24 hours a day, selected ProTrack based on its ability to provide total control over their produced and acquired program content. ProTrack also affords the network the opportunity to better connect with their audience and increase viewership.

Moving away from in-house system processes to ProTrack has provided GBN with comprehensive visibility into their operation. Relying on one centralized system for metadata has made managing and scheduling program content easy and effective. Automating what were once manual, repetitive tasks in their workflow now allows the GBN team to focus on more strategic efforts and their mission.

Mark Teske, Director of Operations & Programming, GBN commented, “Our station reached a point where the need to adopt a more unified means for viewing, managing, and scheduling all of our program content was critical. In ProTrack we found an extensive solution that would not only take our operation to the next level, but provide us a foundation we can scale from moving forward.”

In an effort to keep their audience more up-to-date on program content, GBN will use ProTrack’s ProWeb module. ProWeb will seamlessly produce and deliver accurate and interactive program schedules and descriptions to GBN’s website, making it easier for GBN viewers to engage with network programming.

“We are excited for our product and team to be supporting GBN’s next generation workflow,” said Crist Myers, CEO and President of Myers.  “We understand back-office broadcast operations and the need to make it as efficient and as effective as possible for our customers, like GBN. This ardent focus is what continues to inspire us after 33 years in business.”

ProTrack’s ability to fully integrate with GBN’s existing Florical Automation System unifies the workflow by providing a seamless Play-list schedule of primary and secondary events for playout.   In turn, Florical will return an As-run log to ProTrack for schedule reconciliation purposes.  Also, GBN can now leverage ProTrack’s broadcast management tools to further automate tasks.  By using ProTrack’s program template schedule and spot auto-insertion rules, GBN is able to streamline populating  their program schedules and breaks.  In addition, ProTrack will provide an automated media listings export to Rovi & Gracenote.

Myers will be exhibiting at Proclaim 16, the National Religious Broadcaster’s (NRB) Show in Nashville, TN February 23 – 26, 2016 in Booth #851. 

About Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN) – www.gbntv.org
GBN is an American Christian satellite broadcast network, which broadcasts 24 hours a day. The network is based in Olive Branch, Mississippi, about a mile from Memphis and the Tennessee state line. GBN’s mission since its first broadcast in 2011 is to bring the gospel to people across the nation. GBN transmits from a C-band Satellite (Galaxy-14), simulcasts over the Internet over GBNTV.org, through its own Roku channel, on Android and iOS devices, and over the air via both low-powered radio stations and one low-powered television station. Over the last several months, GBN has placed greater emphasis on radio broadcast, launching new stations each month and installing radio equipment in congregations across the country.

Agency and Contact
Celia Vine, LLC | Deanna Kennedy

Company and Contact
Myers | Crist Myers




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