Grow Revenues, Reduce Costs, and Improve Workflow Operations

Broadcasters Show Daily recently set out to interview our President & CEO, Crist Myers, in an effort to learn more about media trends, the latest with our ProTack product and how are we different in the marketplace.So here’s the scoop…


An Interview with Crist Myers, President & CEO, Myers

Broadcasters Show Daily: What trends are you seeing in the media industry?

The entire media industry is in a state of evolution, continually striving to find new and innovative ways to improve efficiency; and given advancements in technology that tends to happen most often within the operational workflow. Our product development efforts are no exception and thus we too are continually evolving to improve efficiencies where it makes sense, both for us as a vendor as well as for our clients.

One trending area that we have been a collaborator on is working with our clients to establish shared operational workflow environments. Our system manages and supports the environment whereby enabling each station that is a part of it to capitalize on consolidated and centralized workflows as a means to dramatically reduce operating expenses.

Broadcasters Show Daily: What’s new with your product, ProTrack?

Our newest software release is the start of a major upgrade for our entire product portfolio. By updating our core engine and database capabilities we have made ProTrack more flexible, efficient, and scalable for the future. Although most of this work is behind the scenes, the benefits for the future will prove very valuable to both our clients and us as a forward-thinking software developer.

Our next release, rolling out later this year, will focus on a more intuitive and customizable interface which will allow our customers the ability to easily navigate throughout the ProTrack system. The enhanced database engines will enable deeper integrations and in turn streamline workflows. I know efficiency and streamlining tend to be two of the hottest buzz words for today’s technology vendors, but it is exactly what our system delivers – a streamlined workflow that delivers efficiency. Our system provides content management, traffic and scheduling, sales management and more; thus it serves as a primary manager of the workflow and especially the content behind it. It is imperative that our ProTrack system stay ahead to manage and work with multiple systems across the operational workflow.

Broadcasters Show Daily: How does Myers differentiate itself in the marketplace?

As trusted partner and vendor we work to deliver a high value proposition for our clients – we help them grow revenues, reduce costs, and improve workflow operations. We work closely with each client to implement a system that meets their needs. One of our major strengths is the influence on the entire broadcast chain from acquisition to reconciliation to billing. We also assist in transitioning them from a legacy system or another vendor by using a Dedicated Transition Professional (DTP) to work with them one-on-one during the transition. After the installation is complete we provide 24/7 support to all of our customers. Our support is not outsourced and is handled by our in-house staff based out of our office in Northampton, MA.

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Put our experience and expertise to work for you. Begin building your perfect system, backed by the right team.