Myers and France 24 Join Forces in New Distribution Partnership

Extending the International channel’s reach, Myers will make all of France 24’s programming and metadata available for automatic download through their ProLink distribution service to all customers who subscribe to the channel

Westfield, MA.— Myers, a pioneer in broadcast management solutions, has announced a new distribution partnership with France 24 which will make the International news channel’s programming information and associated metadata available through their ProLink distribution service. All Myers customers, including all US-based PBS member stations, who subscribe to France 24 will reap the benefits of having all of the channel’s schedule and program metadata automatically downloaded into their ProTrack scheduling environment, saving them both time and money.

This new partnership between Myers and France 24 originated from a reach by Myers’ customer, Northwest Public Broadcasting. Their initial interest was to be able to subscribe to the France 24 packaged channel while using Myers as the conduit to facilitate the acquisition of all the associated essential metadata directly into their ProTrack system. ProTrack is a complete end-to-end broadcast management solution provided by Myers that manages content up and down the broadcast chain, providing robust sales, traffic, and billing capabilities. The set-up of France 24 into a cloud-based version of ProTrack and integrated into ProLink will make it easily accessible for Northwest Public Broadcastings’ two stations, KWSU and KTNW, and any additional ProTrack customers, to subscribe to and download schedule and program metadata for the new channel.

“For us, this new partnership with France 24 is demonstrative of our commitment to giving our customers content choices and delivering them efficiencies,” said Crist Myers, President and CEO, Myers. “I am very excited to have partnered with France 24, extending their channel’s reach and our customer’s International content options, all while automating the process to make it happen. It is truly a win-win-win for us all.”

The new packaged channel will be available to go live with Myers’ customers in April 1, 2021. In preparation of going live, the Myers Programming Team will be entering all of France 24’s schedules and program metadata into a cloud-based instance of ProTrack. Once entered, the information will be uploaded to Myers’ ProLink metadata distribution service, where it will then be available to directly download into a subscribing station’s ProTrack scheduling environment. Stations then can quickly download schedules and the required program metadata, which will drastically reduce errors and eliminate the need for the stations to manually enter that data into their system.

“Myers has always proven themselves a true business partner who continually works to provide us with solutions that make our life easier; streamlining processes and simplifying and automating workflows wherever possible to help us increase our operational efficiency,” “said Tom Hungate, Program Manager, Northwest Public Broadcasting. “Therefore, it was not a surprise that in our station’s initial inquiry into subscribing to and broadcasting France 24’s content, we knew we wanted Myers involved. This project has proven no exception to the productive and successful partnership we share with Myers as they have taken on a majority of the upfront work and heavy lifting, by way of getting all the schedules and program information uploaded, so that when we do go live with France 24’s content, all we have to do is start downloading.”

France 24 broadcasts to 404 million households around the world in French, Arabic, English, and Spanish, with a combined weekly viewership between the four channels of 87.1 million viewers. To learn more about France 24, please visit their website at ProTrack customers interested in subscribing to France 24 can contact

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Founded in 1982, Myers has been a pioneer in developing broadcast management software for the rapidly evolving media landscape. Myers’ extensive domain knowledge and systems integration expertise has served as an integral part in the development of a suite of software products and services that drive distribution workflows across multiple departments and systems. Media facilities large and small utilize and benefit from our unique, scalable broadcast management solution, helping them improve operational efficiency and profitability. For more information, please visit:

France 24, the international news channel, broadcasts 24/7 (12 hours a day in Spanish) to 404 million households around the world in French, Arabic, English and Spanish. The four channels have a combined weekly viewership of 87.1 million viewers. France 24 gives a French perspective on global affairs through a network of 160 correspondent bureaus located in nearly every country. It is available via cable, satellite, DTT, ADSL, on mobile phones, tablets and connected TVs, as well as on YouTube in four languages. Every month, France 24’s digital platforms attract 28.7 million visits, 156 million video views (2020 average) and 53 million followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (December 2020).

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