Benefits to Getting Your ‘Metadata House’ in Order

The start of each new year often ushers in ideals for improvement, along with it personal and professional resolutions, whether they are getting fit, organized, in a better place financially, advancing your career, etc. But what if getting your metadata organized was this year’s resolution?

Content is the most important asset in your organization and when organized properly it not only provides enhanced operational efficiency, but it can serve as the gateway to advance and modernize technical workflows. Although simple in theory, organizing your metadata takes a certain level of standardization, including deliberate planning, adoption, and execution. Taking the time upfront to blueprint a strategy and being open to change will reap huge rewards for your organization now and into the future. Your day-to-day operation will become more well-oiled and automated over time enabling you to focus on planning more effectively for the future.

Additionally decision makers are provided clarity and peace of mind knowing they have accurate and up-to-date information in front of them come decision time. It is that clear window into their business that fuels smarter business decisions.

Here are a few more of the key benefits organizations can capitalize on when having their metadata house in order:

    • Users can rely on easy-to-read can and can’t do instructions when clear business rules are defined and in place, promoting a more streamlined and automated workflow.


    • Organizations can more effectively maximize linear and non-linear distribution by having a clear understanding of the rights associated with each piece of content.


    • Full transparency into your up-to-date data enables organizations to make sound investment decisions in both technology and staff with their eyes wide open.


  • The reliability bestowed to those that have their metadata house in order serves as a true competitive differentiator.

The best way to get your metadata house in order is to bring all your data up-to-date in an organized and standardized fashion and then execute new best practices upfront that ensure each new piece of content added to the workflow follows protocol. In the beginning, the time up front may feel sluggish, but with a process in place it will become routine and second nature over time – and the best part is you will no longer need to have days and/or weeks allocated to searching for information down the lines as the data will be ever-ready in the present.

When you are ready to set this new year resolution in place ensure there is collaboration and adoption from the top. Leadership is key to setting success in motion.

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