Customer Focus: Maryland Public Television

Long-Term Partnership 

Since 1993, MPT has utilized a robust suite of Myers’ ProTrack products and services for its broadcast operations. In addition, they have also tightly integrated ProTrack with their automation and archive systems to enable cross-department media management workflows.

A Challenge To Keep Web Schedules Current

MPT recently migrated their website to PBS’ CMS platform, which afforded them greater design and SEO benefits. However, providing up-to-date and locally relevant schedules proved to be a challenge. As MPT’s presence evolved, their custom schedule environment required continual maintenance and oversight. Ultimately, these recurring touch points made it difficult for MPT to justify the approach and expense. MPT felt it was essential that online visitors had access to up-to-date schedules. In addition, they wanted a solution that was integrated internally and responsive, so that viewers could interact with schedules and drill down on individual program offers utilizing the device of their choice (i.e. smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.).

Streamlined Web Scheduling Provides Efficiencies & Savings

MPT reached out to Myers and we answered the call with ProWeb. ProWeb is a turn-key web schedule plug-in that imports schedule and program information directly from ProTrack – including ‘last minute’ changes and local descriptions. With ProWeb, MPT can now ensure accurate schedules to their online visitors and streamline their internal workflows at the same time. Additionally, since ProWeb is highly configurable, it blended in perfectly with their existing website design.

“In ProWeb we found a robust solution that provided the necessary functionality for us to present our viewers with sound and relevant information quickly and dynamically,” stated Bob Wilson, MPT’s Executive Producer, Interactive Media. “Additionally, we have been able to capitalize on a more efficient workflow which in turn has increased our productivity.”

Utilizing a comprehensive suite of ProTrack and ProWeb tools throughout their entire back office operation, MPT is able to capitalize on a more streamlined and efficient broadcast workflow.

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